If you've never watched your loved one lying in the coffin before your eyes, you won't understand the pains the loved ones they left behind go through, especially if it was a sudden death.

It's so easy to console others and hope that God should grant them the fortitude to bear the loss but one it's your loved one it's a different story entirely. RIP becomes hard to say when it's your loved one because you feel like not saying RIP will make them come back alive.

A special kind of pain that I've been living with for seven months now and it doesn't even seem to be fading. It's breaks the heart, weighs you down emotionally, mentally and makes you ask God questions about the purpose of our existence. At times you even wonder the essence of life when at the end of it all, you're going to sleep and never wake up

A lot of things go through your mind during this phase and you begin to wonder if you will be mourned when your turn and the kind of death that is going to claim your life

Have you passed through this before?