It was a raining in May 2021 when I visited the zoo. The rain stopped a bit when I was by the lake.

2021 年 5 月,我参观动物园时正在下雨。当我在湖边时,雨停了一点。

Nearby, there is a sculpture of an icon of the zoo. The orang utan named Ah Meng who had passed on but it's nice they made a statue of her.


Another sculpture of sea lions. Don't know if there is a any story there but I don't remember seeing any real sea lions before but I found they do have some show from a search.

另一个海狮雕塑。 不知道那里有什么故事,但我不记得以前见过任何真正的海狮可是搜索后发现他们可有海狮表演。

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