By Lannie Brockstein.
October 16th to October 19th, 2021.
IN HIS WISDOM, CANADA'S 23RD PRIME MINISTER wants to criminalize Conversion Therapy that has the purpose of "returning a gender confused person's sexual orientation back to normal", because in his opinion, all Conversion Therapy is psuedoscientific.
But how would criminalizing that be wise when a CBC News article titled "Sewage plant upgrade reverses 'feminized' male fish" clearly reports that a specific form of Conversion Therapy for gender confused fish is scientifically proven to be effective?
As CBC News did report, due to the aeration tank of the sewage plant in Kitchener having a new filter that prevents Big Pharma's endocrine disrupting drugs from continuing to contaminate the nearby Grand River where that region's sewage is dumped into, the rainbow darter fish whom are native to those waters have stopped being intersex, and thus are no longer gender confused, and therefore are no longer in danger of becoming extinct.
Might that specific form of Conversion Therapy which naturally de-feminizes intersex males, whereby the injured party is no longer forcibly exposed to water that has been contaminated by Big Pharma's endocrine disrupting drugs, also be effective for gender confused humans who consent to using that form of Conversion Therapy?
Yes, most forms of Conversion Therapy are bad and should be criminalized. But why should that specific form of Conversion Therapy, as demonstrated by a sewage plant in Kitchener to be successful for fish, also be criminalized when it might be successful for humans and as it is for fish? Isn't criminalizing that akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater?
CBC News (September 15th, 2009): "Male bass with female features found in U.S.": "The findings come from the U.S. Geological Survey in its first comprehensive examination of intersex fish in America, a problem linked to women's birth control pills and other hormone treatments that seep into rivers."
How is it not a crime against humanity if children in Canada and other countries are forcibly becoming gender confused as a result of their being constantly exposed to endocrine disrupting pollution from Big Pharma?
Furthermore, if a form of non-forced Conversion Therapy that naturally treats and prevents man-made Gender Change by decreasing endocrine disrupting emissions is psuedoscientific, what exactly is scientific about Climate Therapy that naturally treats and prevents man-made Climate Change by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions?
Isn't what is good for the goose also what is good for the gander?