Making small but consistent improvement


This series was designed to go as far as highlighting and explaining over 15 activities that come together, in other to bring out the best in individuals and make them achieve life goals and success. That being said, we would be highlighting the fourth attribute of successful people, and this is nothing but making consistent improvements no matter how small.

Successful people are constantly aware of this popular saying; “You cannot eat an elephant at once”. How does this apply? One may ask. Well, here is the thing. Big life goals are never achieved in a split second or a few days or weeks, but Big life goals are achieved by the consistency of the individual offer over a period.

The concept of consistency and resilience can never be overemphasized.

This is so because humans are created to do things in ways that are comfortable for them. Hence, the spirit of consistency is not usually prevalent in many individuals. However, no successful man made it to the top without consistency. Take a look at Cristiano Ronaldo, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Mike Tyson, and the likes. The level of consistency expressed by these men in their various fields of endeavor can never be overemphasized.


From the aforementioned details, one thing stands. Anyone looking for a shortcut to success aside from consistency and resilience is setting himself up for failure.