Autumn is the time of warm scarves, cold winds, yellow leaves and the revitalization of the cultural life of cities, because theaters open new theatrical seasons, and exhibition centers are actively inviting to their exhibitions.

These can be exhibitions of technology, innovative developments, paintings or some kind of creative work.

This fall I was at one of the exhibitions at the International Exhibition Center. This exhibition center is one of the largest in Kiev and is divided into 4 large separate pavilions, which makes it possible to hold several events of different topics at the same time. Elite international exhibition forums, congresses, presentations, cultural and art shows, large agricultural exhibitions and even fashion shows are held here.

The exhibition at which I happened to be was not so intricate, because its main participants are not even people, but their fluffy and a little lazy pets.

Yes, this is an exhibition of cats that I have wanted to visit for many years in a row, meeting a beautiful advertisement for this event in the subway and wanting to personally meet fluffy representatives of the feline family.

Finally, this meeting took place.

My impressions of the exhibition were quite pleasant, but there were overestimated expectations due to the “too colorful” description of the exhibition program.

I'll tell you what I expected and what really happened.

In the program of the exhibition it is eloquently described that there are competitions of cats of different breeds, their show, and also a lot of interesting things await you, so my expectations were formed quite concretely.

In fact, once inside a large exhibition pavilion, we saw tables arranged in compact squares with special transparent houses or cages with animals on them. Most of the cats were either lethargic and tired from a chaotic day and excessive human attention, or were fast asleep in their cozy houses.

Separately, there were two zones with enclosures for animals and a small counter in the center, where each competitor was taken in turn to weigh and assess the state of his fur, as an indicator of his health. There were also tables with the jury, who wrote down their assessments in a notebook.

Absolute leaders in the number of cups. medals and awards standing next to each representative of the feline family were large and important Maine Coons with their royal tassels on their ears.

There were leopard-spotted Bengal cats, Abyssinians of various colors with characteristically large ears, cute fold-eared Scots, proud and important Maine Coons, a British golden chinchilla, and even a representative of an exclusive breed from the Kuril Islands - the Bobtail.