Is the modern world drowning in excess and excessive consumption finally going crazy, or did monogamous people become extinct as a species by the beginning of the 21st century?

More and more conversations and more and more people bring up the topic of free relationships - polyamory, which attracts them with a sense of freedom like a mouse, aromatic cheese in a mousetrap.

Even among my acquaintances, adherents of such views appear.

What is it? A trend of fashion or a tribute to the modern world, which is oversaturated with sex and accessibility, just as every house is fed up with useless and unnecessary things, be it clothes, shoes or household items?

Purely psychologically, a person is attracted to something forbidden and distant, like married people are attracted by freedom or an inaccessible woman, and single people, on the contrary, are attracted by a cozy home. People tend to envy, idealize someone else's life and reach for the unattainable. To transfer their fantasies from the world of dreams into reality, some married couples, burdened by a depressing family life, decide in favor of an open relationship, where the husband and wife freely and quite “legally” go “to the left” in order to diversify their lives, or, if you like, with the purpose of raising mood and hormone levels.

Polyamory becomes an outlet for families, where the fire of love and passion has long died out, but the relationship is maintained for the sake of preserving the usual way of life or raising children.

What do we have at the output and is it correct?

It is difficult to argue about what is right and what is shameful within the framework of each particular family and their situation, but it is clear that such a compromise can quickly destroy the remnants of trust in a relationship and breed jealousy.

So why should a man or woman, who has lost attraction and interest in her other half, pull this hopeless relationship from which one has to seek salvation on the side? Or can an open relationship revive a spouse's faded feelings by increasing the level of freedom for each spouse?

So, it is believed that an open relationship is more suitable and convenient for men who want relationships with several women at once, but in fact, as it often turns out, are not ready for any of them. For women, this situation does not bode well, because purely psychologically, women are more striving for stability and preservation of the family hearth. Sometimes, in the modern world, the roles of a man and a woman can be confused, and a woman behaves like a man, and a man, on the contrary.

Yet most women in free relationships, according to polls, want more certainty in their personal lives.

Free relationships have one "but"

- they cannot last long, since at some point there comes a desire to decide and give preference to one, but true strong and sensual relationship, where there are no suspicions and jealousy.

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