No winter without snow. That's the rule, at least here in the region, and so far the winter has always stuck to it. Although in recent years there has been a lot to complain about in terms of quantity, at least if you are a fan of the white glory. And this year too, winter has been very restrained in terms of snow and it has only properly snowed twice.

The first real snowfall lasted around two days, but in the end we got was much less snow than most people had expected. At least our city was spared and fortunately I didn't have any major problems driving. A first glance out of the window in the morning suggested the worst, but I made the right decision when choosing my route to work.

Even though for many people these two pictures may seem like the end of the world, very few people here are upset about this level of snow. Most people are used to completely different amounts from previous years and I too know winters when we were really snowed in, even here in the city.

And the white splendor didn't last long, at least in front of our house and on the main roads everything was quickly cleared again and after a brief moment of shock, life went on as usual.

On the one hand, I would love to have another real blast of winter. The little ones would love it too and there's something fascinating and calming about snow. But as I'm on the road quite a lot, I'm also happy to have clear roads and to get home safely and on time in the evening. And the latter is probably the most important thing of all!

We'll see. And if there is anything exciting to report from the winter front, I will of course let you know straight away. After all, winter isn't over yet...