Let us go back to Aizu Wakamatsu. We have been here in the west of Fukushima Prefecture several times in recent years and we have really grown fond of this area. There is always something new to discover and see and it doesn't matter what time of year it is. Spring, summer, fall or winter - they all have their charm and it's always fun to be out and about.
Autumn scores with its many great colors and surprises me again and again. I didn't really notice the colorful leaves when I was younger, but in recent years I've somehow become addicted to this spectacle.
I really look for places where autumn can shine and show off its colors. If I spot some color somewhere, I'm immediately on my way. That was probably the reason why on that day I found my way to Aizutozantosen Shrine. We were in Higashi-yama and had taken a short walk through the town, not letting the rainy weather stop us. I had discovered a small path and a few steps, and I was keen to find out where they would lead.
Well, it wasn't long before I was standing in front of a dreamy shrine with a wonderful autumnal glow around it. A little red here, a little yellow and orange there. And always some fresh green, which seems to last quite a long time in Japan. In the middle of it all was this little shrine, which almost seemed to be hiding here from something.
As I had come in through a side entrance, I would now take the actual way out again. I didn't really have much time, my team down there was probably already waiting for my return and wondering where I was.
So I left the shrine through the stone toori. The steps just behind it would lead me back to a slightly different place in the village, which was actually only a few meters away. But it still felt a bit like being far away from the rest of the world.
When I reached the end of the stairs, I looked back and realized that these steps looked somehow familiar. I had seen them before and had wondered where they would lead. I was very cheerful to be able to answer this question now, and also a little proud that my curiosity had once again led me to explore a little new territory.
It's quick detours like this that always take me to places that many travelers would never pass by. Well, this shrine was no secret and the way there was even signposted. Nevertheless, most people would simply rush past here and prefer to move on to other destinations. Like us, but on the way there, you shouldn't fail to regularly look left and right and also to walk in that directions.
I will continue to do just that in the future too and hopefully I will be able to keep coming across charming places like this shrine. And then I will certainly have something to report again and I will be able to present you with a few new pictures and impressions from the Land of the Rising Sun. So be sure to check back here soon to make sure you don't miss anything...