Well, the time of golden autumn days are probably over now, although we can still enjoy a varied and colorful spectacle outside in nature. But the weeks when we had plenty of sunshine are now a thing of the past and we are very happy about the few hours when the sky shows its blue side again.

In order not to lose our cheerfulness, it is helpful to remember those golden days. Back then, when it seemed like fall was still in its infancy, it was still easy to break into a sweat outside in the blazing sun which was burning down from the sky. It felt as if summer didn't want to end and would last forever.

On one of those days, we were enjoying ourselves in a park where hard-working and artistic hands had constructed this magnificent duck out of rice straw. It was sitting there with some friends and was probably having as much fun as we were in this great weather.

These constructions are called Wara-Art and you can admire a few of these figures here every year at the beginning of fall. They're great fun, especially when the weather is as good as it was on our trip. Here in this park, you are out in nature, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and our everyday lives. It's easy to distract yourself and take your mind off things, and when you're standing in front of this beautiful duck, you can't help but be in a good mood.

Of course, it is sometimes difficult to preserve this good mood, but at least our photos help us later to recapitulate and bring out the feelings of this moment later on. Even on autumn days that are not quite as sunny and pleasant as the one we took a walk past here.

And when the memories are fresh again, it is suddenly much easier to enjoy these darker and cooler days too. If you look, you'll always find something to make everyday life easier and put you in a better mood. Fortunately, when things get too difficult, we still have our photos to help us. I, for example, like to indulge in pictures of days gone by and probably need that bitter-sweet melancholy that surrounds me. But I've probably already told you that quite a few times.....