Trial and error is the key to success. To this day, this old wisdom has lost none of its validity, because every now and then you just have to dare and break new ground. And that's exactly why I didn't say "no" when I was offered a sandwich spread here in the Far East that had made the long journey from my Germany over to the Sea of Japan.

It was advertised to me as a vegan cream cheese substitute that could easily compete with the dairy product in terms of taste. Well, I was a little doubtful, but I'm not one to be put off by the "vegan" label. Why should I, vegan products can complement and enrich your own cooking wonderfully. And that's why I wanted to give this spread a chance.

According to the label, only chives and German sunflower seeds were used as ingredients, which makes me feel quite confident about it. And as it was bread day at home anyways, I quickly opened the small container and put it on my bread.

I have to admit that cream cheese tastes different, but there is nothing wrong with the "chive spread". At least on my part and also for the little one, who would have loved to eat the little can all by herself. It tasted a bit like hummus, with a very strong hint of chives. On bread, not a bad idea at all, even if not everyone was quite so convinced as I was But I guess that's the way it is with most food, there's always someone who isn't quite so impressed and satisfied. Personally, I wouldn't say "no" next time either and I'll now have a look to see if there are any other varieties available. Who knows what else there is to discover.