At night, all cats may be gray, but even that can be changed. All you have to do is provide the right lighting and the world around you suddenly looks completely different.

Some time ago, a trip took us to Narita, a city very close to the airport of the same name. It was a hot and humid day that was slowly coming to an end. The sun was setting, which even the cloudy sky couldn't hide. And just as we were standing at the station square, the lights were switched on in various places.

To be precise, it was several sculptures that were covered by a whole web of small lamps that were lit. And those lamps really brought out the character's figures and shapes. Suddenly the two dragons, each holding a purple ball in their claws, started to glow. It wasn't really dark yet, but our timing had been pretty good anyway. Everyone around us was pulling out their cameras and I couldn't escape it either.

And Unari-kun, Narita's mascot, also seemed to have been given a new lease of life. He appeared to be really happy to be shining in blue and white now. Unari-kun is actually an eel, and his name is made up of _Unagi_, the Japanese word for eel, and the city name _Narita_. At the end we add a polite suffix, which is used for boys and young men. And there you have _Unari-kun_!

We didn't have much time, but it was still enough to conjure up a big smile on all our faces. Unfortunately, we then had to move on quickly because around me I could hear some tummies growling. And those really needed to be filled. But our brief appearance here had definitely brought us a good mood and hopefully lasting memories. Showing heart - who can and who wants to resist that?