A new day, a new morning! Sunday over here is starting rather stormy and chilly. Just as the last day left. During the night the house was shaking and bending in the storm and even now a sharp wind is sweeping outside, which will probably accompany us for a while.

Nevertheless, I am glad to meet this Sunday morning so cheerful and unharmed. Unfortunately, in many places of the world people are not so lucky and will start this day full of fear and sadness. Recently, our planet has become even more unjust and even more unpredictable than before. But despite the growing suffering and tragedy, I can still find some hope. Hope that one day love will win over hate and fear.

Love and hope is what we need. So let us put aside all animosity and look each other in our eyes and in our hearts. There is so much love in all of us, I am sure it is enough to heal the world and ourselves as well. We just need to reach down to the bottom of our hearts and start loving and hoping again. We need to reconnect with the world out there and focus on what we have in common and what unites us, rather than what may separate us.

We can all contribute to making this world a better place. Let's meet the people we meet with a smile and open arms. Just like you and me, all the people around us can always use a smile too. Let's reach out our hands like all the children do. And let us grasp and hold the hand that reaches out to us. Let us embrace the world around us and let the world embrace and warm us.

No man is an island, and sometimes we all need a little love. I feel the same way, and I am glad to be in this world and in this life. So let's give life another chance today. I am all in!