Music enchants our brain, stirs emotions and echoes the mood. We choose something sad when it's bad, and it seems that people empathize with us. We rejoice to the major notes – the mood improves, a surge of hormones improves brain function, and it sends signals further...

Healing with the help of music has been used for a long time

Singing bowls in China and cultures with a bias towards Buddhism, as the most popular example. And notice how many people live in the east! Can you pinpoint their age? Look at their movements and sharpness of mind!

And indeed, there are many studies on how music affects the brain and body.

Studies show that people who have been practicing music since childhood have slowed down brain aging. The brain remains young when it remains plastic, remembers a lot of symbols and operates with them, it is the sounds and notes that allow you to do this. Another study found that the brain volume of musicians is larger. They also have a developed cerebellum, which is responsible for coordination, balance and muscle tone.

The Mozart Effect

However, it is not necessary to be a musician from childhood. In 1993, scientists from the University of California conducted an experiment: volunteers who were included in Mozart's works performed better on spatial thinking tests. And the scientific community concluded that classical music has a positive effect on intelligence in general, later a whole industry grew up around the "Mozart effect".

Later it turned out that listening to classics is far from a super tool for brain development. The researchers came to the conclusion that the intellectual uplift after listening to classical music lasts no longer than 15 minutes. But ...

But how really? Here are the facts:

Classical music can slow down and balance brain waves, improve memory and learning ability. If you can't concentrate, then Mozart or Baroque music for 10-15 minutes will help to increase the level of organization.

Music affects breathing. Slow music slows down and deepens breathing, calms the brain.

Music affects the heart rate, pulse and blood pressure. For example, listening to rock music increases the heart rate, and listening to light and smooth music calms the heart rate.

Music reduces muscle tension and increases mobility and coordination of the body. Through the autonomic nervous system, auditory nerves connect the inner ear to the muscles of the body. That is, the strength, flexibility and tone of the muscles are affected by sound. The rhythm and accuracy of the movements depend on the rhythm and tempo of the music you are listening to.

Music also has an effect on our body temperature. Pleasant music can warm us, and loud music with strong rhythms can raise the body temperature by several degrees, soft music with weak rhythms can reduce it.

Music can boost endorphin levels. There is a theory that "musical pleasure" is the result of the release of endorphins.

Music regulates the release of stress-reducing hormones. Anesthesiologists report that the level of stress hormones in the blood is significantly lower in those who regularly listen to relaxing calm music.

Music and sounds can activate the immune system. Recent studies in the field of immunology suggest that lack of oxygen in the blood can cause immunodeficiency and the development of degenerative diseases. And singing can increase the oxygen content in the cells of the body.

Music changes our perception of space. Music helps the brain in perceiving the world around it, forming images and recognizing differences between objects. Music influences how we perceive the surrounding space. Slow music contains more space than fast music.

Music changes the perception of time. We can choose music that "speeds up or slows down" our actions.

Let's draw conclusions

Listening to music for 10 minutes a day helps to relax, improve immunity, calm the nervous system and improve brain activity. Classical music stabilizes the heart rate, equalizes blood pressure, reduces anxiety and improves sleep. It is not necessary to listen only to Mozart, listen to the classical music that you like. But listening to music alone will not replace competent treatment, please contact a specialist in a timely manner!