I went to Developer Space @ Google Singapore on Thursday night for a meetup for LLM. They didn't say there will be food when I register so free pizzas are always welcome.

周四晚上,我去了 Developer Space @ Google Singapore 参加 LLM 聚会。 注册时,没有说会有食物,所以总见到免费比萨也是欢喜。

I was standing at the back of the seats and took a few photos. First facing the front.

我站在座位后面拍了几张照片。 首先面向前方。

To the right are few smaller meeting rooms.


Behind, the doors to the toilet. Interestingly, this is one of the fewer ones where the men's are right. 😎

后面是厕所的门。 有点不一样。不是男左女右。。 😎

To the left, we have all the boxes of large pizzas. That's why people were gathered there. Only one kind of pizza but they are free.😎

在左边,我们有所有的大比萨饼所在。 这就是人们聚集在那里的原因。 只有一种披萨但是不用钱。😎1

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