Was at Aperia Mall on Saturday and saw the big open space crowded with people. A Thai supermarket is moving there soon. Before that someone thought it was a good idea to have a bazaar. Apparently, it's something called The Hammock Market.

星期六在 Aperia 购物中心,看到大空地挤满了人。 一家泰国超市即将搬到那里。 在此之前,有人认为搞个集市是个好主意。 这是个叫做吊床市场的市场。。

I walked upstairs so I can zoomed in on one.


Then walked over to another place to take a wide angle. Can you count the number of hammocks people are usin gto peddle their wares?

然后走到另一个地方拍广角。 你能数一数人们用来兜售商品的吊床吗?

Here is a video I recorded.


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