Russian foreign minister, "doyen of diplomacy", "protector of Kosovo" tried to enforce his visit to Belgrade Serbia to confront little more Serbia with rest of Europe and to possibly provoke west to give us sanctions, but his mean attempt failed because Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro forbid flight of his Russian jet over their territory.

So called "Protector of Kosovo" can't even come to visit Serbia and it's useless to tell anything about his ability to protect Kosovo. What he really wanted is probably to confront Serbia more with western Europe to prevent any possibility of solving problem of Kosovo until they - Russia conquer enough of Ukraine and tell west let's trade Donbas, Lugansk, Crimea, Abhasia for Kosovo. and make "peace in our times".

Pro Russian politicians in Serbia are in shock, they are crying all around in disbelief, hold their heads with hands like football players whose club conceded goal from center. Dacic, Bajatovic, Antic, Popovic, Vulin, Night Wolf - Vesic, Bosko Obradovic, Milos Jovanovic, Vuk Jeremic can't stop crying... Nice guys who love motorcycles called "Night wolves" were all ready to become security of this meeting, but oh foreign minister from Kremlin can't even flight to Serbia. LoL

Dream of politicians mentioned above about Russian military help, reconquering Kosovo with war then free it from Albanian population and colonize Serbians there, conquering Montenegro, Bosnia and parts of Croatia and making "Great Serbia" and then becoming Russian wardens of dungeon in that state will not be accomplished. Do you remember that Russian fleet which sailed away from Black to Adriatic sea in 1999 to 'help us' ? It never really came. It was just big lie just like everything about "ortodox brotherhood" with KGB/FSB regime in Moscow. FFS they are terrorizing their own people, killing opposition leaders, throwing people thought windows, poisoning those who oppose Putin, imprisoning people if they protest against war. If they are ready to do that to Russians imagine what they do to Ukrainians.

For the end it's sad we didn't canceled this visit of man whose hands are in blood to the elbows, it's sad he will not come only because of technical problems in flying and not because we choose west over Russia. However big thanks to our orthodox brothers in Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro for saving our honor.