Storming of the Bastille

On this day 1789 people of France conquered and captured dark dungeon fortress called Bastille. It was very dark place where innocent people were tortured, executed and suffered. On this day 14. July 1789 one of if not the biggest event in history of world happen. It's called French revolution.

Why is this revolution the most important in history of world ? It's because of proclaimed goals "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" (freedom, equality, brotherhood). People of one nation stood up against tyranny whose representatives told to poor people "If you don't have bread why don't you eat cakes ?". You can see from that how far away from ordinary people and their problems and reality can be those in power in authoritarian regimes.

On this day people of France won against bloodthirsty and rotten regime which tortured it's own people. Contrary to other revolution "October revolution" in Russia it didn't lead to enslavement and "dictatorship of one class". It was big attempt to bring more freedom in world.

On this day we should ask ourselves where are we with freedom today ? There are still dark dungeons. They are not one fortress but entire states at the moment. In those days if you don't think like ruler you can end up in Siberia, Gulag or "concentration camps for reeducation" where you will live miserable life of beating and torturing. In such states you can disappear, "do suicide" by hanging with help of friend or jump through the window, get poisoned etc... In those states secret police is dread and fear to every citizen.

Today one such state is attacking another state in Europe trying to incorporate territories or conquer and enslave it all. That's why on this day we should stand with attacked country which chose freedom, liberty and democracy. If it means few bucks less in our wallets or little colder winter it's little price for living in freedom. They - Ukraine are not fighting only for themselves but for everyone of us too.

More than 200 years after this famous historical event the Bastille is still there and it's more dangerous than ever! Anatolievich Navalny and a lot of other people are still inside waiting to liberation! How can it be ?

We in Serbia always looked at France like main ally on the west and lighthouse of freedom. My grand grand father did it and I still look like that on France. Here is French national anthem. Remember the most important part:

Contre nous de la tyrannie

L'étendart sanglant est levé...

Happy storming of Bastille to everyone in France and rest of world who value freedom!