New Ukrainian offensive lead to liberation of Charkiv region and retreating or shell we say running away of demoralized Red Army. Army of Ukraine is advancing south too and that caused panic leading to urgent evacuation of Russian commanding personal and their families from Crimea! More and more voices of wisdom from Moscow are calling publicly for retreat from Ukraine and stopping this insane non justified war.

I just read that more than 50 regional leaders in Russia publicly called Vladimir Putin to resign from power. It's right moment to join their smart appeal. This pathetic attempt to restore USSR has failed. It's good time to convert Russia into democratic state with human rights and basic freedom. State in which you can go to square and protest because you want something or against something without fear you will be imprisoned, beaten by police or killed by FSB. Your state and life without FSB in total freedom. How does this sound to you ? You deserve it! People of Belarus and Russia deserve this, Ukrainians deserve this too!

Other option is that you ignore that and hope Putin's "little military operation" will not hit you, life in fear of FSB where you are happy if you have something to eat today. If we know state of democracy and freedom in Putin's Russia we can easily imagine new competition in jumping through window of higher floors while FSB agents are rating each jump like in ski jumping in that scenario. How does this sound to you ? No you don't want that scenario.

By the way do you know how Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu fell ? He lost contact with reality called for mass meeting and forced a lot of people to stand in front of him and started to blabber something. Soon people started to whistle and boo on him and things went out of control... He tried to shut down riot with secret police Securitatea, but army stood with people and easily defeated secret police and liberated country. I've heard some big celebration need to be held in Moscow these days. Big celebration big opportunity. Why wouldn't you have real reason to celebrate like conquering freedom and stopping war ?