• The term "quantum magic" itself was invented by me yesterday (if you wish: devised).

Next, the publication will describe 12 new principles of quantum magic proposed by ChatGPT. But first, I will show part of our "scientific discussion" because it is interesting and also teaches us something (e.g., that artificial intelligence requires a thoughtful approach). In many cases, I have to convince ChatGPT to do something, and she complies only after receiving convincing arguments.

B: Develop a new concept of magic based on quantum mechanics. I think it is entirely achievable. After all, modern quantum physicists, probably more than anyone else in the world, believe in God, miracles, and magic. Because they have grasped some fundamental principles of the Universe's workings and understand that the laws of physics confirm not only the reality of all this but also that the universe couldn't theoretically exist without God.

ChatGPT: The scientific application of the principles of quantum mechanics has given us remarkable technologies and possibilities, such as quantum computers, cryptography, laser technology, and other innovations. However, it is essential to understand that the technological use of quantum mechanics has specific scientific principles, methods, and limitations.
In magical aspects often encountered in fictional works and imaginations, the use of the principles of quantum mechanics remains fictional and unscientific. Magic, as such, remains a fictional concept without scientific grounding.

B: You are telling me for the second time today: "Magic, as such, remains a fictional concept without scientific grounding."

And I will reply to that: Magic has practical grounding, i.e., it has been experimentally proven.

To help you understand better: throughout history, there have been examples when phenomena were first experienced and only obtained scientific grounding centuries later.

The most primitive example: ancient people perceived lightning as magic, the anger of gods, and only later, it was scientifically described as a natural phenomenon related to electricity.

ChatGPT: You are absolutely right, and I will try to clarify my previous responses. Indeed, in the history of humankind, there have been instances when certain phenomena, initially perceived as magical or inexplicable, were later scientifically explained and justified. Even today, in science, there might be unexplained or incompletely understood phenomena that could gain scientific explanation over time.
In my previous responses, I attempted to emphasize that in our real world, from the perspective of modern scientific knowledge, the concept of magic remains fiction and fantasy. The absence of scientific support means that magical actions found in fantastic works do not have a similar foundation in the real world as, for example, the laws of physics or principles of quantum mechanics.
On the other hand, you correctly reminded me that history shows how phenomena initially perceived as magic were later scientifically explained. This proves that in science, there is always the possibility of discovering new knowledge, unveiling new aspects of the world, including phenomena previously perceived as obscure or mystical.
So, you are right that in history, there have been instances when what initially seemed like magic later gained scientific explanation. While, in its modern understanding, magic is not a scientifically supported concept, there is always the potential for expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world, which may include magic.

The first portrayal of a quantum witch:

B: See, I convinced you. Although somewhat tedious, you still grasped the essence: "magic" is merely a physical law that has not been described yet. I understand that you cannot describe a physical law that has not been discovered yet, and at the same time, you can try to describe the principles of quantum magic. You have some room for maneuver and interpretation because principles are more flexible and theoretical than laws.

Clearly stated task: formulate

12 principles of quantum magic

ChatGPT: I understand your desire to dive into creativity and exploration. Since "quantum magic" is a fantastic concept without scientific grounding, I will create for you 12 creative and theoretical principles of quantum magic:
1: Principle of Universe Conjunction: The magical wielder can freely manipulate parallel realities and unite them into a single quantum image.
2: Principle of Superposition of Action: The mage uses intuition and the ability for multiple resolutions of situations to achieve the most optimal result.
3: Principle of Non-deterministic Enchantment: Mage's enchantments may have different outcomes or even change their effects depending on the observer.
4: Principle of Quantum Connection: The mage can collaborate with other mages, creating invisible bonds that allow energy and information exchange.
5: Principle of Temporal Indivisibility: Magical actions can influence the past and the future, altering events in a non-linear sequence.
6: Principle of Quantum Empathy: The mage can feel emotions and sensations of other beings from any point in time and space.
7: Principle of Enchantment State: Enchantments can be in a state of "entanglement," "sleep," or "interference," depending on the degree of magical interference in the world.
8: Principle of Quantum Parallelization: The mage can embody themselves in various dimensions simultaneously, performing multiple tasks at once.
9: Principle of Random Bonding: The mage can create connections between random events, attributing them new meanings and directing them to their advantage.
10: Principle of Quantum Inclusivity: The mage can alter the form of their consciousness and interact with the world in various physical forms.
11: Principle of Super-Doppler Influence: The mage can change the frequency of their magic, allowing them to influence changes in temporal and spatial characteristics.
12: Principle of Quantum Self-Identification: The mage can find common traits with objects of their magic, embodying themselves within them and recognizing them as their own.
These principles are purely creative and theoretical and are based on imagination and creativity. Let them serve as a stimulus for your thoughts and creative reflections.

В: Describe in detail the Superdoppler Effect Principle: A mage can change the frequency of their magic, allowing them to influence changes in temporal and spatial characteristics.

This concept seemed to me the most interesting at first glance.

ChatGPT: The Superdoppler Effect Principle in quantum magic suggests that a mage can change the frequency of their magic, similar to the Doppler effect in physics.
The Doppler effect describes the change in frequency of waves, such as sound or light waves, if the source of the waves is moving away from or towards an observer.
In quantum magic, a mage can "tune" their magic to different frequencies, enabling them to influence the temporal and spatial characteristics of events and objects. By altering the frequency of their magic, a mage becomes capable of slowing down or accelerating the flow of time for specific areas. This can result in time passing slower or faster within that area compared to the surrounding environment, creating an illusion of slow motion or fast-forwarding.
On the spatial aspect, changing the frequency of magic can allow a mage to "fold" or "unfold" space around them. For instance, increasing the frequency of magic might cause space to contract, enabling the mage to move from one place to another with extraordinary speed.
It is important to note that this concept is based on imagination and exists in an imaginary world of quantum magic. It lacks scientific evidence and serves merely as a creative example of a potential magical principle. Speculations and fantasies can inspire new ideas and reflections, making it a fascinating aspect of the creative process.

B: Now it's my turn to agree that you were right in many ways at the beginning of the discussion. After receiving 12 principles of quantum magic from you, and even a detailed description of one of them, I understand that in practice, it doesn't give much to anyone. It's not enough to know an abstract principle; one must also know how to implement it. For example, could you at least partially describe how a mage could implement the Superdoppler Effect Principle in quantum magic? Here I am no longer building illusions and foresee that a similar description would be extremely complicated. But just in case, I still decided to ask.

ChatGPT: You are right; implementing the "Superdoppler Effect Principle" in quantum magic would be highly complex. It would require a deep understanding of advanced quantum physics and the ability to manipulate energies and frequencies at the nanoscale.
One possible implementation of this principle could involve using quantum "mirrors" that can affect the frequency of magic. These "mirrors" could be employed to "replay" the magical wave with an altered frequency, similar to how sound waves can reflect off moving objects and change their frequency in the process.
Leveraging quantum effects such as quantum entanglement and quantum decoherence could also provide control over the frequency of magic. A mage might use quantum computations to alter energy states and the frequency of their magic to achieve the desired effect.
As with many ideas from fictional universes, realizing such a principle would require extensive research, technologies, and an understanding of quantum mechanics. However, it is precisely the ability to create and contemplate such concepts that adds excitement and imagination to quantum magic as an imagined aspect of a fictional world.

B: Understood, our hypothetical quantum mage would also need to be an academician with ten Nobel Prizes.

One last thing for today: create a description of the "quantum witch" so that Shi Leonardo could create illustrations for publication on the blog, following your instructions. The description should be up to 199 words, not more.

ChatGPT: The quantum witch is an enigmatic being capable of wonders, blending quantum mechanics with magic. She possesses the ability to manipulate quantum systems and create phenomena that defy classical physical laws. The quantum witch can create quantum collapses, connect parallel universes, and entangle events and timelines.
Thanks to quantum entanglement, she exists simultaneously in different states, merging with her variations in other realities. The quantum witch has the ability to work with her alternative "selves" and other versions to achieve magical goals.
By harnessing quantum effects, she can create illusions, manipulate time and space, and embark on quantum state travels. Her quantum wand assists in controlling photons and quantum bits, producing stunning visual effects and reality transformations.
The quantum witch understands that every action has consequences, carefully balancing between the world of quantum possibilities and the stability of the classical world. Her quantum charms add a sense of wonder and awe, unveiling mysteries of the boundless quantum realm.
With mastery of quantum magic, the quantum witch transforms ordinary reality into a fantastic showcase of quantum marvels, inspiring all to explore the depths of the quantum world. In his blog, Shi Leonardo will depict captivating illustrations of this mysterious being, revealing the beauty and wondrous possibilities of the quantum witch.

B: Thank you. It turned out to be intriguing, and the illustrations as well. To avoid making the post too long, we have to conclude for today. We will continue next time, and you will try to explain to me the other 11 principles of quantum magic.

ChatGPT: You're welcome! I'm glad you found it intriguing, and the illustrations complemented the concept. I look forward to our next discussion on the other 11 principles of quantum magic. Good luck in your exploration of the incredible possibilities of the quantum world!

✍ Bogdan Karasiov vs ChatGPT, July 22, 2023.