Hello friends!

Happy New Year!

I wish you all happiness, health, kindness and wellbeing in the coming New Year.

Going to Scorum today, I realized that for a month I had not posted new posts and of course I wanted to tell or show you something from what I happened to see and where to go in the New Year's Eve.

The year 2021 was not easy for me, but it gave me many interesting meetings and filled it with new life experience. I have a rough list of goals for 2022, which has already begun, and I realize that their implementation depends only on me and the amount of my efforts.

In my city people are very fond of celebrating the New Year. Each family has a different tradition. Someone celebrates in a close family circle, someone likes to be in the center of a noisy company, someone prefers a celebration in a club, someone in their home kitchen. I remember that on one of the celebrations we grilled kebabs at the dacha with friends on New Year's Eve. I hope you have a great New Year's Eve for which the blue tiger will bring you good luck and luck for the whole year.