
I'm sure there are new folks here in this test transmission mode of SCORUM non–sport. I have been elected to be your limited tour guide. By the way it was a self-appointment actually.😉

Here we go, as we take a look at the page that opens up as you click on "Profile" and zoom into the icons therein. The green circled "S" stands for Scorum Coins(SCR) ; the purple circled "P" stands for Scorum Power(SP) and the lilac coloured thunderbolt stands for Voting Power.

Scorum Coins is the cryptocurrency of choice here.

Scorum Power is an internal token used to reward users for their activities on the platform.

The Voting Power is a measure of your Scorum Power used to vote for any content you please. Your vote is directly proportional to your Scorum Power. Your voting power depletes gradually as you vote but naturally restores to maximum value in 5days. Thus a user cannot give away all Voting Power to one post and cannot upvote all the contents in the platform. The idea is to avoid underhandedness and unfair distribution of tokens from the reward pool.


Now to some activity tips— when you convert your SCR to SP, it increases the weight of your votes and this not only allows you to reward your favorite authors more, but it also allows you to earn more from each vote that you make.

SP also increases the weight of your vote for the Delegates who maintain the blockchain and govern the decentralized network. This is more of a future benefit because currently Scorum Inc. still retains the majority of coins and voting power. This will last only until the price of SCR rises and the remaining coins left over from the Intial Coin Offering (ICO) sale can be sold and dispersed out to as many members as possible.

Once the sale of the ICO coins is complete, then the Scorum blockchain will be fully decentralized and owned by those who hold SP in their wallet. So in effect, when you convert SCR to SP you are taking ownership of a portion of the blockchain.



Hopefully this has given you some little insight into things here. We welcome all newbies to this special community laced with exciting uniqueness and ofcourse oldies too who set the stage for this new move. Scorum lives on!

Cheers people.