26th Februray was the 26th day of the first lunar month of this year. I heard the buddhist temple would be open for the Goddess of Mercy vault openining event. I was heading there. Along the way in an elevator, I thought I'd take a photo because the light at the top and mirrors of the side make it interesting.

2 月 26 日是今年农历正月 26日。我听说观音堂佛祖庙有为观音开库接红包而开。我正要去那里。在途中进了白沙浮商场电梯看到灯光配旁边的镜子挺特别的,就拍了张照片。

I went into Bugis+ mall to go through the place to get to the temple.


I reached there and it wasn't crowded as I expected. They didn't have the event last year. In prior years, the place would have been so crowded they had barriers to control the crowd going in.


There was still control this year but there was a long snaking queue. Not too long ago, you could only go in certain days depending on whether your ID number ends with a odd or even number. I went in and prayed for a while and then get the ang bao from them.


After that, I went to the Indian temple next to it. The one where our Prime Minister said people would go that after the buddhist temple to be doubly sure.


Look at the figures at the top. It's a work of art.


Or you can go close from the side to look.


I decided to go up the residential block nearby to take some photos of the buddhist temple.


They didn't allow devotees to place flowers inside the temple and I heard this on the news. Yet, those stalls with the big umbrellas were trying to sell you flowers. I wonder how many people who bought and had to take the flowers home thought it was a scam,


After that, I went down to look for place to eat passing buy this decoration that was there for Chinese New Year.


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