As you must have discovered, except probably you have been sitting on a bicycle here on Scorum, Ordu Daniel had begun a new series designed to highlight 6 of the best tropical vacation sites.

That being said, it is a delight to be witnessing day 4 of this series. Previously, articles on the Bahamas, Riviera and St. Barts had been discussed.

With that in mind, this article, being the fourth of this series would highlight yet another tropical vacation site. It is none other than Ambergris Caye.

Highlights on Ambergris Caye would be given, alongside why this particular tropical vacation site ranked among the top six.

Highlights on Ambergris Caye

The Ambergris Caya tropics is located in Belize, other details about the Ambergris Caye include that it is the Largest among all Caye's on the planet earth.

For those who enjoy the underwater lifestyle, Ambergris Caye is one perfect place to be. See diving, swimming and fishing are regular activities for natives at Ambergris Caye.

Why Ambergris Caye?

There are a whole lot of reasons why the Ambergris Caye made it to the top six of the most awesome tropical vacation sites. Nonetheless, one major reason behind the pick is their love for seafood.

The Ambergris Caye natives are worldwide experts when it comes to garnishing seafood. Much to the delight of numerous visiting guests.

Aside from their food habits, there are other various factors linked with tropical regions that can be quite enjoyable as well.


This article has stated clearly, three reasons why the Ambergris Caye made it to the top six rankings of the tropics.

That being said, the next article would give highlight the fifth tropical vacation site. Until then, Stay safe!

Article Writer ✏️ Ordu Daniel