Very good greetings to everyone here on Scorum. It is a delight to be bringing you all the bonus versions of this series.

As is seen from the past articles, 10 tourists locations in the country of Peru have been highlighted. That being said, the bonus articles are created as an appreciation to everyone who played a role or supported the main series.

The first bonus tourists location is known as the Barranco. Highlights on the Barranco would be given below.

Highlights on the Barranco

The Barranco complex is located a few miles away from Central Lima.

According to many visiting tourists, the Barranco complex environment is described as a charming one. It portrays numerous colours associated with the colonial rule of the masses.

More to that, the Barranco complex contains awesome architectural designs as well as beautiful sea views.

Other facts about the Barranco

The Barranco complex is an ideal location for both married, single and whole families to spend recreational holidays.

The roads in these locations are small and inviting. More that, visiting tourists can spend quality time in the streets as these locations are serene and privatized.

Finally, the Barranco is known as a home to foreign dishes. Individuals who make their way there has the luxury of eating both native and foreign dishes.


With the aforementioned details, it is easy to understand why the Barranco region ranks among the top tourist's locations in Peru.

With that in mind, the next article would highlight the second and final part of this bonus series. Kindly stay safe as we await tomorrows tourists location.

Article Writer ✏️Ordu Daniel