As highlighted in the previous articles of the series, the country of Australia is endowed with so many tourist attractions.

Today, yet another tourist attraction would be discussed. It is the Blue Mountains national Park. What makes the place exciting? Why do people yearn to come over to this part of Australia? All those questions would be answered in this article.

The location of the Blue Mountains national park

The blue mountains national park is located on the western side of the city of Sydney.

In the region of the Blue Mountains, about 600,000 acres of land and desert conditions. Asides from the desert, the national park contains rock museum paintings as well as lots of elevated spaces for hikers.

Why are people interested in visiting this region?

Many people are interested in making their way to the blue mountains, due to their natural features. From its deserted locations to its elevated mountains as well as its waterfalls, the Blue Mountain is a thrilling place to visit.

Secondly, another reason why people are attracted to this location is the presence of a sandy construction popularly known as the Three Sisters.

Finally, people are also attracted to a railway spot in the Blue Mountains. While the railway was being created, its tunnel was channeled to a specific location in the ancient Australian rain forest.

The final destination of the railway somewhere around the outskirts of the rain forest is such an exciting sight to behold.


Without a doubt, this article has discussed in detail why the Australian Blue Mountain park is a very exciting tourist location.

In the next article, yet another exhilarating tourist location would be discussed. It is the Melbourne.

Article Writer ✏️ Ordu Daniel