A wonderful village under the ground. Thousands of people are living there. However, there is no way to see it from above. Built at a depth of 22-23 feet from the ground, this village is well known all over the world.
The architectural plan of every house in this village is amazing in one word! The temperature in the village houses does not fall below 10 degrees in winter. On the other hand, the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.
The inhabitants of this village live happily in this underground village. Where is the location of the wonderful village, you know? I am talking about a strange village called Sanmenxia in Henan province of China.
There are a total of 10,000 houses in this village called Sanmenxia in Henan. But most are now abandoned. It is known that at one time about 20,000 people lived there.
However, due to lack of modern facilities and unfavorable living conditions, many have left the area. Yet about 3,000 people live there.
These houses, built 22-23 feet deep from the ground, range in length from 33 to 39 feet. According to historians, the history of living in this Yayodong in Henan Province is not more than 200 years old.
However, about 4,000 years ago, in the Bronze Age, a group of people built such caves in the highlands of China.
For the past 200 years, 8 generations have lived in houses called Yaodong (caves). Houses built in Yaodong or caves originated in the Bronze Age.
When people lived in deep holes. They became very popular during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today, more than 30 million Chinese live in such homes.
Such house structures are also earthquake resistant and sound-proofing. There are even large flood and storm wells.
The local administration has been making arrangements for the protection of the village since 2011. At present the cave houses have all kinds of modern facilities including electricity connection.
Locals claim that tourists flock to the area to see these underground houses. Yayodong also has rental arrangements for tourists to stay.
To stay in this cave house for one month you have to pay around 21 pounds or 2400 rupees. You can also buy if you like. The price of this air-conditioned Yeodong is about 32 thousand pounds or 36 lakh 60 thousand rupees.