New and Noteworthy
Here I throne
Up is better than down. It's not just us humans who are aware of this, but also some members of the animal world. With a good view, life is just better than deep down in the dark, where you rarely get to see anything of the daylight. The higher the better, which is why the birds seem to feel so confident up there in the air. We would all like to fly a few rounds and watch the world from above. But since we can't fly, we have to make do with what we have at our disposal. That's why some people climb mountains or church towers, but if these aren't available either, a few boxes will do in the end. The main thing is to be higher than the rest and have a bit of a view of what's going on around you. That's exactly what this goat seems to have thought, as it has at least been given a small throne in its enclosure. It now can climb onto it and make itself comfortable. And it is even higher than the curious humans who come to watch it all the time. Who is staring at whom? This question is suddenly not so easy to answer and, as a curious onlooker, you suddenly feel like the one standing on display. But at least we have the advantage of being able to move away again, whereas the goat on its throne still has to hold out here. At least it gets plenty of attention and quite some food. A goat's life could be worse, even if I wouldn't want to swap places after all...
Here I throne
Up is better than down. It's not just us humans who are aware of this, but also some members of the animal world. With a good view, life is just better than deep down in the dark, where you rarely get to see anything of the daylight. The higher the better, which is why the birds seem to feel so confident up there in the air. We would all like to fly a few rounds and watch the world from above. But since we can't fly, we have to make do with what we have at our disposal. That's why some people climb mountains or church towers, but if these aren't available either, a few boxes will do in the end. The main thing is to be higher than the rest and have a bit of a view of what's going on around you. That's exactly what this goat seems to have thought, as it has at least been given a small throne in its enclosure. It now can climb onto it and make itself comfortable. And it is even higher than the curious humans who come to watch it all the time. Who is staring at whom? This question is suddenly not so easy to answer and, as a curious onlooker, you suddenly feel like the one standing on display. But at least we have the advantage of being able to move away again, whereas the goat on its throne still has to hold out here. At least it gets plenty of attention and quite some food. A goat's life could be worse, even if I wouldn't want to swap places after all...
Here I throne
Up is better than down. It's not just us humans who are aware of this, but also some members of the animal world. With a good view, life is just better than deep down in the dark, where you rarely get to see anything of the daylight. The higher the better, which is why the birds seem to feel so confident up there in the air. We would all like to fly a few rounds and watch the world from above. But since we can't fly, we have to make do with what we have at our disposal. That's why some people climb mountains or church towers, but if these aren't available either, a few boxes will do in the end. The main thing is to be higher than the rest and have a bit of a view of what's going on around you. That's exactly what this goat seems to have thought, as it has at least been given a small throne in its enclosure. It now can climb onto it and make itself comfortable. And it is even higher than the curious humans who come to watch it all the time. Who is staring at whom? This question is suddenly not so easy to answer and, as a curious onlooker, you suddenly feel like the one standing on display. But at least we have the advantage of being able to move away again, whereas the goat on its throne still has to hold out here. At least it gets plenty of attention and quite some food. A goat's life could be worse, even if I wouldn't want to swap places after all...